Harnessing Your Spiritual Energy: A Guide to Attracting Positivity

Andrew H Housley
4 min readJun 26, 2024

Embracing Mindfulness and Positive Energy: Practical Steps to Spiritual Well-being

“Become the energy you want to attract.” Imagine the transformative power of this mantra that revolutionizes your life and redefines the core of your existence. Picture yourself in the presence of a person whose aura is so magnetic, so utterly in tune with the universe, that their mere company uplifts your spirit. It’s as if their energy echoes through you, creating an instant bond that transcends the ordinary — even with someone you’ve just met. This is the essence of becoming the energy you wish to attract, a journey that begins within and radiates outward, inviting a world of positivity and connection.

Let’s explore this concept of attracting positivity from a spiritual standpoint, discover the limitless possibilities it offers, and follow its lead toward greater personal growth, meaningful connections, and positive transformation.

Photo by Federico Beccari on Unsplash

Understanding the Spiritual Principle: At the heart of this spiritual principle is the recognition of the interconnectedness of all things and that everything in the universe is part of an intricate web of relations. This web is woven with the threads of energy that flow through and connect all beings, matter, and events. All things in the universe are composed of…



Andrew H Housley

Author of Gold Book Award Winner 'Invisible Sun' & 'Waiting Impatiently' | Zen Bodhisattva | Writing about spirituality, mental health & well-being.